Fortify the Future
of Your Biz

fortify the
future of
your biz

Fortify the Future
of Your Biz

Data resilience is key to professional success

Data resilience is key to professional success

Picture this: You’re a newly hired technology leader at a top-tier company. (We’re talkin’ enterprise-sized.) Although you’ve got your hands full with a million different priorities, one of the best ways to make your business boom might not be at the top of your list: ensuring the health and security of your org’s data. 

That's because the ability to comprehensively secure and quickly recover your data can be the difference between catastrophe and a bump in the road. It's a fact that savvy leaders know, and large companies are starting to take heed. 

In fact, according to the 2024 Veeam Data Protection Trends Report, 92% of organizations worldwide expect to increase their data protection budget this year. The numbers speak for themselves—data protection is absolutely essential to gaining the professional edge.

So, how exactly can safeguarding your data help your entire business thrive?

We teamed up with Veeam to give you an interactive look at how tech leaders can treat data protection as a function of financial management, threat mitigation, and strategic growth—and absolutely crush their goals.

Wave goodbye to data protection risks and say hello to big-time scaling.

Be ready for anything—your finances will thank you later.

Be ready for anything—your finances will thank you later.

Be ready for anything—your finances will thank you later.

37% of servers had at least one unexpected outage in 2023

37% of servers had at least one unexpected outage in 2023


Powerful security protection = powerful savings.

First things first: Data breaches are expensive and, unfortunately, common. 75% of organizations suffered at least one ransomware attack in the last 12 months. And, wow, are they pricey? The average data breach cost is nearly $4.5 million per incident, and rising every year. The solution? Strategic data protection.

Let’s be real: There’s data security and then there’s DATA SECURITY. In order to successfully grow your biz, you need to know that your data is backed up in highly robust ways (like multilayered security and immutability levels of robust) that prevent bad actors from getting their grimy hands on it—all while ensuring your team can manage and access it, ingesting it at the speed of production and ensuring the right access by the right people at the right times. The best data security is the kind that secures your company's financial performance—not just your 1s and 0s.

Total data control is the name of the (operational efficiency) game.

Here’s another insight for your playbook to curb costs: With total control over your data, you can better optimize resources and address issues proactively before they escalate. By ensuring clear observability into your infrastructure (think server utilization rates and monitoring tools), you can optimize resources and see where money is going when it comes to data protection, storage, and network bandwidth. The bottom line is this: Better viz into and more control over where your data comes from, where it goes, and how it's stored can provide your org with data security that increases operational efficiency—rather than challenging it.

Oh, not to mention that ensuring transparent infrastructure observability helps you prevent costly downtime, service disruptions, and financial losses associated with system failures.


Powerful security protection = powerful savings.

of marketers believe current CTV advertising is effective.

Total data control is the name of the (operational efficiency) game.

Here’s another insight for your playbook to curb costs: With total control over your data, you can better optimize resources and address issues proactively before they escalate. By ensuring clear observability into your infrastructure (think server utilization rates and monitoring tools), you can optimize resources and see where money is going when it comes to data protection, storage, and network bandwidth. The bottom line is this: Better viz into and more control over where your data comes from, where it goes, and how it's stored can provide your org with data security that increases operational efficiency—rather than challenging it.

Oh, not to mention that ensuring transparent infrastructure observability helps you prevent costly downtime, service disruptions, and financial losses associated with system failures.

Defy disruptions—rapid robust data recovery keeps things runnin’ smoothly.

Defy disruptions—rapid robust data recovery keeps things runnin’ smoothly.

Defy disruptions—rapid robust data recovery keeps things runnin’ smoothly.

The average time-to-recovery after a ransomware attack was 3.4 weeks. That means the average attack causes 136 business hours of downtime.

The average time-to-recovery after a ransomware attack was 3.4 weeks. That means the average attack causes 136 business hours of downtime.


Proactivity? You mean productivity?

The trick to keeping your biz running full steam ahead has everything to do with neutralizing threats before they can do significant damage. Why? Because when there’s a data breach, your business can’t do business—and that’s not ideal for your team or your bottom line. And look, we hate to be the bearer of (more) bad news, but these breaches are getting more common: 26% of companies say they were hit with a ransomware attack four or more times in 2023. Talk about a huge threat to productivity!

A good way to avoid this bad stuff? Use a system that actively monitors production data for warning signs, and proactively implements identification taxonomies (like YARA rules). This allows you to detect anomalies and sift through data for signs of malicious activity without causing slowdowns in the system that make productivity impossible. Your employees and your leadership teams will thank you.

Rapid, robust recovery can be your hero.

Ready for another productivity hack? Let’s say someone, somewhere in the IT dept makes a li’l mistake (that’s why they call it human error) and loses a whole bunch of data, resulting in a week’s worth of hampered productivity.

With top-notch recovery systems in place, your infrastructure will be secure—no matter what happens. Because stuff happens. When asked about their last large-scale server recovery test, only 58% of organizations met their recovery SLAs. For a company employee, that means 2 out of 5 servers won’t be there when they need them. Imagine showing up for work and finding that only 2 of the 5 programs that you need to do your job are usable.

Game-changing recovery tools can bring data back in safe, secure ways, so your teams don’t have to waste time and energy trying to locate, move, or reconstruct lost data. Ensuring productivity at your biz has everything to do with being prepared to instantly restore your data, instead of attempting to prevent every single disruption.


Proactivity? You mean productivity?

The trick to keeping your biz running full steam ahead has everything to do with neutralizing threats before they can do significant damage. Why? Because when there’s a data breach, your business can’t do business—and that’s not ideal for your team or your bottom line. And look, we hate to be the bearer of (more) bad news, but these breaches are getting more common: 26% of companies say they were hit with a ransomware attack four or more times in 2023. Talk about a huge threat to productivity!

A good way to avoid this bad stuff? Use a system that actively monitors production data for warning signs, and proactively implements identification taxonomies (like YARA rules). This allows you to detect anomalies and sift through data for signs of malicious activity without causing slowdowns in the system that make productivity impossible. Your employees and your leadership teams will thank you.

Rapid, robust recovery can be your hero.

Ready for another productivity hack? Let’s say someone, somewhere in the IT dept makes a li’l mistake (that’s why they call it human error) and loses a whole bunch of data, resulting in a week’s worth of hampered productivity.

With top-notch recovery systems in place, your infrastructure will be secure—no matter what happens. Because stuff happens. When asked about their last large-scale server recovery test, only 58% of organizations met their recovery SLAs. For a company employee, that means 2 out of 5 servers won’t be there when they need them. Imagine showing up for work and finding that only 2 of the 5 programs that you need to do your job are usable.

Game-changing recovery tools can bring data back in safe, secure ways, so your teams don’t have to waste time and energy trying to locate, move, or reconstruct lost data. Ensuring productivity at your biz has everything to do with being prepared to instantly restore your data, instead of attempting to prevent every single disruption.

Bounce forward—data protection helps you navigate business growth.

Bounce forward—data protection helps you navigate business growth.

Bounce forward—data protection helps you navigate business growth.

For the second year in a row, over half of organizations plan to update their primary backup solution.

For the second year in a row, over half of organizations plan to update their primary backup solution.


Prepare to shift scale.

Wanna know the secret sauce to growing a biz effectively? You need to meet the scale of your recovery needs precisely and without waste. Let’s break this down into a kind of IT golden rule: Restoring workloads at an enterprise scale should to be as simple as restoring a single lost user. To keep your business running efficiently, you need to ensure broad workload coverage and flexible restoration processes—as in, you need to be able to restore anything from any environment. And the same goes for restoring from on-prem to the cloud, from hybrid cloud to public cloud, you name it. It all has to be within your grasp, because disruptions don't come in predictable sizes.

Partner for the long-term.

If there’s one thing for certain about the business world it’s that things change—and that means your data protection needs to keep pace. Perhaps your server infrastructure is set for a facelift. Maybe you just acquired a new company that uses a completely different back-end. Or maybe there's a new type of cyberthreat on the horizon that you want to get ahead of. Whatever it may be, you need a data protection solution in place that can act like a partner and adapt alongside you—rather than restrict your freedom of motion. Forget vendor or hardware lock-in; instead, choose a solution that grows and adapts alongside your needs in our ever-changing world of data security.


Prepare to shift scale.

Wanna know the secret sauce to growing a biz effectively? You need to meet the scale of your recovery needs precisely and without waste. Let’s break this down into a kind of IT golden rule: Restoring workloads at an enterprise scale should to be as simple as restoring a single lost user. To keep your business running efficiently, you need to ensure broad workload coverage and flexible restoration processes—as in, you need to be able to restore anything from any environment. And the same goes for restoring from on-prem to the cloud, from hybrid cloud to public cloud, you name it. It all has to be within your grasp, because disruptions don't come in predictable sizes.

Partner for the long-term.

If there’s one thing for certain about the business world it’s that things change—and that means your data protection needs to keep pace. Perhaps your server infrastructure is set for a facelift. Maybe you just acquired a new company that uses a completely different back-end. Or maybe there's a new type of cyberthreat on the horizon that you want to get ahead of. Whatever it may be, you need a data protection solution in place that can act like a partner and adapt alongside you—rather than restrict your freedom of motion. Forget vendor or hardware lock-in; instead, choose a solution that grows and adapts alongside your needs in our ever-changing world of data security.

With the right tools, you’ll be ready to batten down the hatches and crush your data protection goals in no time. And that’s where Veeam comes in, the original data protection and ransomware recovery innovators and current market leaders—trusted by more than 80% of the Fortune 500 and 70% of the Global 2,000.

From powerful data security and rapid recovery to unrivaled flexibility and always-on threat monitoring systems, partner with Veeam to keep your data safe, your eyes set on growth, and your org cyber resilient. They’re the fastest, most flexible data protection and ransomware recovery partner on the market. We’re talkin’ unrivaled data capturing and recovery speeds, architectural resiliency, immutability everywhere, infrastructure observability, secure automated orchestration—you name it. Whatever your data needs might be, Veeam has you covered.

With the right tools, you’ll be ready to batten down the hatches and crush your data protection goals in no time. And that’s where Veeam comes in, the original data protection and ransomware recovery innovators and current market leaders—trusted by more than 80% of the Fortune 500 and 70% of the Global 2,000.

From powerful data security and rapid recovery to unrivaled flexibility and always-on threat monitoring systems, partner with Veeam to keep your data safe, your eyes set on growth, and your org cyber resilient. They’re the fastest, most flexible data protection and ransomware recovery partner on the market. We’re talkin’ unrivaled data capturing and recovery speeds, architectural resiliency, immutability everywhere, infrastructure observability, secure automated orchestration—you name it. Whatever your data needs might be, Veeam has you covered.

This post is sponsored by Veeam
Illustrations by Kasia Bojanowska
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